I Like Grape Juice

It’s true; I do!

Welchs White Grape Juice

Very yummy~

April bought some ‘Welchs White Grape Juice’ for me as a joke – and I love it! It’s delicious and bubbly and sweet~


Of course, I should explain the joke…


Star Ocean: The Last Hope - Welch Vineyard

Her surname is even ‘Vineyard’ XD

I’ve recently started playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope (International Vers.) on the PS3. It’s such a great game! It’s a Tri-Ace and Square Enix collaboration, so as a Square Enix fan, I knew the graphics would be awesome. And they are. The cutscenes, of course, are fantastic, but even just in the in-game battles, the amount of effort put into the CG is really impressive. You can see the characters’ weight shift when they jump, run, or attack – it’s all very awesomely realistic.


Anyway, one of the characters in the game is called Welch, and she’s your liason. Funnily enough, she wears grape purple – albeit with fluoro orange tights!


So, yes, the delicous grape juice reminded April of Welch, so she bought it for me ❤ She’s a sweety. But yes, if you get a chance, try it! It’s yummy ❤