Sorry, sorry~!

I’ve just moved house & been without internet for AGES. (Not thrilled with the phone company, but they eventually worked themselves out so no more drama – hopefully!)

To apologise, here is an adorable picture I took at uni~ ❤Image

Even cuter was a group of international students making ‘meow’ing noises at it 😀
Though I hope they don’t try to pat a ‘cat’ like this~!!


April Sings~!

I’ve finally done it! I’ve finally gotten a recording of April singing! And this time, it’s one of my favourite of her covers, A Fine Frenzy’s “Almost Lover”. If you have a moment or two to spare on a ballad, please give it a listen. She doesn’t believe me that it’s a pretty nice cover~!

Go here~


Thank you & much love (as always)


What would you say…

if you had the chance to pass a message on to a celebrity you admire? This is Kein, who sings guitar solos loudly in the shower!

It was a question I had to think hard about recently, as April and I had a chance to send a postcard to a band we both adore – Kiryu! The head admin of the Aussie Kiryu fanpage is attending one of their live shows in Japan and allowed fans from outside of Japan who couldn’t see the live the opportunity to send her a postcard to put in the band’s box. Sweet, right? I certainly thought so, and it made my day to slip the envelope into the postbox.

But the whole thing had my mind in a whirl. What should I say? Would they understand what I had written? I didn’t want to come across as a crazy fanboy, so I struggled to find words to express my feelinsgs and love for their music that didn’t sound too, well, crazy. I don’t know if I succeeded. I tried to imagine what it would be like to be one of the band members and get something like that – what would you want to hear? Would you care? Would you just be happy to receive something sincere?

I think that sincerity and warmth are very important when communicating with people, especially people you admire, trust and/or love. One can remember a genuine compliment or expreession of gratitude for a long time, even if they have forgottenwhat exact shirt was being complimented, or what service they had rendered to deserve it. I think we sometimes forget that, in our busy lives.

So today, I’ve decided to compliment someone I sincerely admire. It was fun to send the letter to Kiryu, and my only regret is that I couldn’t tell them to their faces, but that’s okay. That’s why today I want to compliment someone I can see, so they can be absolutely sure I’m sincere in my words. I don’t want to forget those people who are important to me! And I especially don’t want them to never know how appreciated they are :3

Well, this turned into a strange post. But I hope I’ve communicated something of what I feel ^^;;  If you could send a compliment to anyone in the whole world, who would you send one to? What would you say? If you get a chance to do so, definitely take it!

~lovehearts and cookies


Been a while~

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? This is Kein, who often forgets to wear his glasses when he reads!

After a trying month of Camp NaNoWriMo, and an enjoyable week recuperating from it, I’m back! Did you miss me? 😛

Anyway, I’ve changed my hair – what do you think? I feel a little sad about losing the coloursss, but my hair was starting to feel terrible. It needs a little while to recuperate~ So now it’s a strange blue-purple-black! I also need a hair cut too…

What kind of haircut do you like on guys? And what about for girls? (Not that April is cutting her hair – she’s trying to grow it long, despite the temptation to cut it! :D)

And also on tumblr….

is Kein!

Guys, I’ve made a tumblr. Don’t even know how that thing works, but I made one. Why? Well, I thought, since this blog is supposed to make sense and be interesting and all that jazz, that posting about my Camp NaNo angst and bitching about my writing would, uh, well, drag the blog down a little.

So if you wanna read about blue screens of death – possibly in near real-time, please head to ^^;

Lovehearts and cookies

I Like Grape Juice

It’s true; I do!

Welchs White Grape Juice

Very yummy~

April bought some ‘Welchs White Grape Juice’ for me as a joke – and I love it! It’s delicious and bubbly and sweet~


Of course, I should explain the joke…


Star Ocean: The Last Hope - Welch Vineyard

Her surname is even ‘Vineyard’ XD

I’ve recently started playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope (International Vers.) on the PS3. It’s such a great game! It’s a Tri-Ace and Square Enix collaboration, so as a Square Enix fan, I knew the graphics would be awesome. And they are. The cutscenes, of course, are fantastic, but even just in the in-game battles, the amount of effort put into the CG is really impressive. You can see the characters’ weight shift when they jump, run, or attack – it’s all very awesomely realistic.


Anyway, one of the characters in the game is called Welch, and she’s your liason. Funnily enough, she wears grape purple – albeit with fluoro orange tights!


So, yes, the delicous grape juice reminded April of Welch, so she bought it for me ❤ She’s a sweety. But yes, if you get a chance, try it! It’s yummy ❤


Equal Love <3

On the 12th of May, thousands of people gathered outside of the State Library in Victoria for one of the largest local rallies for a very important cause – equal rights for gay marriage, the Equal Love rally. It was a massive event, with a star-studded line up of speakers including Charlie Pickering and Magda Szubanski. We shouted and cheered ourselves hoarse with the rest of the crowd, but we’ll get to that in a minute.

April and I got there a little early, so we wondered around Melbourne Central, and took some tourist-like photos of the old Shot Tower – everyone who visits/lives in Melbourne needs one of those, right? (Hey, don’t judge, it’s really cool!) We then headed across to QV, where we bought some of the super-dooper new chocolate from Cadbury’s, the one with the jelly, smarties/m&msand poppy candy. Yeah, that’s right – popping candy. Armed with that and a bottle of water, we headed to the grass of State Library to wait for the event to start.

At first it was pretty quiet. We sat in our very colourful outfits and chatted, and nearly exactly on 12pm, we look up to find that BAM! People have appeared everywhere! We wander around a little, checking out the cuties and reading the placards – there really were some great ones, too! – before heading as far as we could to the front where a small black tent had miraculously appeared.

One by one, the speakers – politicians, civil rights activists, parents, celebrities – came out and addressed the crowd, which covered the entire lawn out the front of the State Library. They guessed there must have been around four thousand people there at the time! We cheered and clapped ’til our throats and hands were sore. The speakers were encouraging, optimistic and moving, while still remaining clearly dedicated to the idea that the fight for marriage equality wasn’t anywhere near over.

But, as they reminded us, it had come a long way. With Barrack Obama coming out to support equal rights, as well as two independent Members Bills before Parliament, we can only hope that soon we’ll only be able to tell stories of the fight for equality, and have people listen in disbelief at the fact it took so long to achieve. After all the emotion, the rousing speechs, the cheering and tearing up, the rally concluded around 2:30pm.

It was a good day.

We can only have faith that it will make a difference.

We will keep fighting for equality.

We believe that no matter your gender, your sex, your orientation, your race, your birthplace, or your age, you should not have to suffer discrimination. While you a free and upstanding member of society, you should not be punished for conducting your life within the bounds of the law, even when it deviates from so-called ‘social norms’.

Of course, there was  a whole lot of fun at the rally too~ When we were sitting on the grass, there was a hilarious group of guys behind us whose loud conversation provided us with plenty of entertainment. “Is that your nightstick, or…” One of the gentlemen quipped to the lone pair of policemen patrolling the grounds around the State Library. Of course, April has both a better memory and delivery of this hilarity, so I’ll leave it to her to elaborate.

To those of you who support the fight for equality in this issue, thank you. To those of you who question the need for it, or outright oppose it, let me leave you with this message of April’s:

“Let me get this straight – what you’re telling me is: ‘equality isn’t for everyone’?”


~Kein ❤

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New Beginnings and Noodles

Hi there! Welcome to our blog – we’re your hosts, Kein and April, and we hope you enjoy your stay. And noodles. ‘Cause we certainly enjoy noodles.

Don’t you know if you know it, but we have an account on this cool site where we share our photos – it’s called deviantART, you might have heard of it… Check us out~

So, here we will post about our lives, loves, and noodles little moments of joy. We’ll include our extraordinary fashion tips, the places we go gallavanting about, and  – of course – pictures of all of the above.  Please treat us kindly; come back often~! ❤